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    By Dr Lydia Shaketange


    A book series in remembrance of the Namibian struggle for liberation. Volume 1 of Footprints (Windhoek, Namibia). Archives of Anti-Colonial Resistance and the Liberation Struggle 2008

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Lydia Shaketange

Lydia Shaketange left Namibia, formerly South West Africa, on foot crossing the northern border in 1974 as a teenager of 14 to join the struggle for the liberation of her country. Little did she know that it would be 16 long years later, after spending time in Zambia, Angola, Sierra Leone, Finland and the UK, that she would return to her motherland, now Namibia, as a grown woman with her small baby.

This is an honest and moving account of one girl's journey to womanhood and growing political awareness. Her innocence, openness and sincerity are tangible and give a fascinating insight into both her time in exile and this troubled period in Namibia's history.


language Bundle

Walking The Boeing 707 Language Bundle. Included in this Bundle is the English and Oshiwambo version of the novel. The perfect collection for literary studies, book clubs, and book collectors. Experience the exodus tale of the Namibian struggle for liberation in the authors' native tongue or the English version for non-Oshiwambo speakers.

Table of contents

The ultimate goal was to seek freedom:”‘It is time to rise up! It’s time that all Namibian people rise up against the apartheid regime” ...

We were happy to see a SWAPO soldier for the first time... (his) name was Lungada … He was one of the greatest SWAPO combatants…

Scared to death and crossing a river in a shaky canoe was how I ended the first week of September, 1974, my third week away from home and on my journey to freedom...

The situation in Yuka was the same, day after day. The day would start with a morning parade; people would be given work to do such as cooking…

Schoolchildren went to classes and men and women at the camp, worked on the farm… everyone believed in working to feed him or herself…

The day came when our group had to travel to Nyango Camp. We had found a new ‘family’ of comrades and teachers...

There were no Namibian Passports at that time as Namibia was not a free and independent country; our land was still occupied…

We stayed in Finland for two years, from 1983–1985. During those two years falling over became a habit and part of our everyday experience...

In Britain, there were lots of Namibian students studying at various universities and colleges. Kandali and I went to Leeds University...

we were not sure how the South African regime, which had killed, tortured, humiliated, abused and repressed our people for so long, would receive us...

Chapter 1. Escape

The ultimate goal was to seek freedom:”‘It is time to rise up! It’s time that all Namibian people rise up against the apartheid regime” I mumbled to myself as I tried to balance the bucket of water on my head during the cold winter month of July, 1974, weeks before I left Namibia to join SWAPO and fight against the South African colonialists.

I was born in January, 1960 and named Lydia Nghinanghone Shaketange. My traditional name means: ‘I don’t have bad feelings against anybody.’ My home at that time was in Ohakadu, in what is now the Omusati Region of northern Namibia. My relatives still live in Ohakadu, although my father passed away in 1988.

At the age of two, my parents gave me to be brought up by my Uncle Jonas who is also my godfather. I was sent to live in his household as a traditional sign of kindness according to my culture. The Owambos at that time participated in this practice as a means of helping other people, especially those who had few children. Uncle Jonas and his wife, Aunt Olivia, had only three children, but we were eight in our family; seven girls and one boy, called Petrus. I stayed with Uncle Jonas and Aunt Olivia from age two until I was fourteen. During my stay with my Aunt and Uncle, I used to visit my parents, sisters and brother, regularly.


I heard Uncle Elia talking about freedom! It was his influence that focused my young mind on the evils of apartheid in Namibia. Uncle Elia Ndume, was a younger brother of my Aunt Olivia, with whom I was living from 1962–1974. My Uncle Elia influenced me greatly. He was a freedom fighter. It was said in the village at the time that he went into exile in Tanganyika (now called Tanzania) and later was captured by the South African soldiers around 1966–67. He was said to have been taken to jail in Pretoria, the capital city of South Africa. Even now, nineteen years after our independence, the circumstances around his capture are not known to me. But, I can imagine that he was probably among the many other SWAPO fighters who were captured at the front line of the struggle.

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