• Create the life
    you want.
    with Mumzy Chukwu
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  • Activate self
    with Mumzy Chukwu
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  • Live more fully,
    with more joy.
    with Mumzy Chukwu
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Work With Me

You Can Expect


Eliminating negativity and stress in your life to add in the things that give you joy.


Identifying your ideal career, that aligns with your core values, passions, talents and abilities.


Being irresistibly attractive to people and getting your personal and emotional needs satisfied.

Mumzy Chukwu Coaching

Transformational Life and Executive Coaching
Founded in January 2022 with a coaching niche for Transformational Life and Executive Coaching. Mumzy is passionate about assisting individuals to find their true identity as she believes you cannot manage others unless you are able to manage yourself hence her desire for executive coaching of young professionals. She specifically works with aspiring and career climbing professionals as she wants to inspire them to learn to manage themselves before they can manage others.
As a transformational coach known as the Identity Activator, she works with individuals who have a desire to transform their lives and become the ideal version of themselves. She activates self-awareness which is the key ingredient of discovering our true identity and she further deactivates any self-limiting beliefs that hold us back from fulfilling our purpose. Certified by Action Factory South Africa, she is a member of Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA).

Let’s Connect!

You can get your spark back and live an extraordinary life. Let’s connect. Because you Matter.